Fletcher Heights 2022

Hello Residents!

For the week of 9/26/22: Common area walls marked in BLUE in 3A (first map) will be painted with the trim color followed by common area walls being started in section 3B (second map). The rain caused delays last week. If you have any questions, please contact our office. 

For the week of 9/19/22: Common area walls marked in YELLOW and wrought iron view fences marked in GREEN in section 3A (approx. 87th Ave & Lake Pleasant Prkwy) will be painted this week. Please remove any vegetation, chicken wire/critter fencing, décor, etc. from the view fencing so we have unrestricted access to paint. Please allow access through your side gate and secure your pets inside. The main body color will start to be applied to the common area walls marked in green in section 3B (second map, approx. 83rd Ave & Lake Pleasant Prkwy) on Friday. Feel free to contact our office if you have any questions. 

For the week of 9/12/22: Common area walls marked in green will be painted the body and trim colors in section 3A (walls marked in orange are done). Please contact our office with any questions. 


For the week of 9/5/22: We’re closed on Monday for Labor Day. Common area walls in blue will be painted with the trim color and then the body and trim color will be started on the walls marked in yellow in section 3A. If you have any questions, please contact our office. 

For the week of 8/29/22: Common area walls marked in blue will start to be painted with the main body color in section 3A (1st map). Wrought iron view fences in parcel 21 (marked in red on second map) will be painted on Monday. For iron, please remove any vegetation, chicken wire/critter fencing, decor, etc. and allow access through your side gate so we have clear access to paint. Please secure your pets inside. Please contact our office if you have any questions. 

For the week of 8/22/22: Common area walls marked in blue will be painted with the trim color and the common walls in yellow will be painted with the main body color in section 21. Feel free to contact our office with any questions. 

For the week of 8/15/22: Common area walls marked in yellow will have the trim color painted this week (all other walls and iron marked on the map have been painted). Please contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 8/8/22: Common area walls marked in pink will continue to be painted this week with the trim color. Please contact our office with any questions. 

For the week of 8/1/22: Common area walls in blue will have the main body color applied (walls in pink are completed) and wrought iron view fences marked in green will be painted this week. Please remove any decor, chicken wire/critter fencing, lights, vegetation, etc. from the view fencing so our crew has clear access to paint. Please allow access through your side gate and secure pets indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions. 

For the week of 7/25/22: Common area walls in orange (81st Ave & Beardsley, for reference) will be painted this week (two-toned with main body of wall and trim colors). Feel free to contact our office if you have any questions. 

For the week of 7/18/22: Our crew will be revisiting past sections 1A, 1B, & 1C to completed any touch-ups or missed areas of iron and walls (orange is iron, purple is wall trim). Please contact our office with any questions. 

For the week of 7/4/22: We’ll be closed Monday in observance of the 4th of July. Monument signs will be painted for all sections of the community starting Tuesday. Please contact our office with any questions. 

For the week of 6/27/22: Common area walls marked in blue will have the trim color applied to them (common walls marked in red are done). If you have any questions, please contact our office. 

For the week of 6/20/22: Common area walls marked in yellow will continue being painted with the main body color (red walls are done). Feel free to contact our office with any questions. 

For the week of 6/13/22: 1A common area walls marked in yellow will be painted with the trim color (red walls have the body color completed). Please contact our office if you have any questions. 

For the week of 6/6/22: Walls in 2A will be finished on Tuesday. Common area walls in section 1A will begin to be painted on Wednesday. If you have any questions, please contact our office. 

For the week of 5/30/22: Closed Monday in observance of Memorial Day. Common area walls in section 2A (marked in blue) will have the body color painted this week (yellow is done). Afterward, the trim paint will start being applied to all of the 2A walls. Please contact our office with any questions. 

For the week of 5/23/22: Common area walls in section 2B will continue to have the trim color painted (around Hillcrest Blvd) and, once completed, common walls in 2A will be started. If you have any questions, please contact our office. 

For the week of 5/16/22: Starting Tuesday, the common walls in section 2B (see map) will start to be painted with the main body color. If you have any questions, please contact our office. 
